Through this comical show-workshop, the public will dive into a fabulous world in the company of two singular and endearing characters. They will be accompanied by a mysterious book, from which all kinds of stories and other surprising discoveries escape...
Guided by the artists, the children and their families will then be invited to give free rein to their imagination through movement.
Inspired by evocative melodies and images, participants will bring a whole new story to life.
This interactive and thought-provoking workshop encourages youth to explore their creativity, express their ideas through their bodies, and discover the power of dance as a means of expression.
Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in a world where every move tells a story, every gesture an adventure!
Morgane Le Tiec
Stéphanie Brochard
Saint-Saëns' Swan performed by János Starker and Shuku Iwasaki
Rameau's Hen played by Vikingur Olafsson